Virtual classroom – Learn Spanish with Dynamic Spanish!
Ángela Enríquez has the privilege of being close to two countries and two cultures that have strengthened her love for the Spanish language: Spain and Colombia.
Spain, the home of Cervantes, to whom she owes gratitude because it accepted her as one of its daughters by granting her nationality a few years back. Colombia is the country that she is proud to call her birthplace and it is also, as they say in Bogotá, Colombia: the country that speaks the best Spanish in the world.
Her passion for teaching and helping others led her to develop her entrepreneurial project Dynamic Spanish, with which she teaches her native language to people all over the world. This Colombian – Spanish entrepreneur teaches the Spanish language online from her website Hundreds of people have already learned to speak one of the most relevant languages on the planet from Ángela’s passion and great dedication as a teacher. Enthusiastically, Ángela Enríquez told us her story how today she is doing what she likes the most:

“Since I was a little girl I have always felt a profound responsibility to help people; I thought I could become the savior of humanity. Therefore, I began to study medicine at a young age. Disillusioned when realizing that the field was not quite what I imagined, I quit my medical studies. Later, I entered the field of journalism and began to study at a Faculty of Communication. I had the firm idea of becoming a war correspondent in the Middle East, something which never happened. Nonetheless, life did bring me to live in the Middle East with my husband, but in a peaceful country in the Golf called Oman.
In this country I continued to do what I have enjoyed the most for as long as I can remember: help and teach others. I have always wanted to be a teacher, but life took my through journalism, before I could change my career path. In 2003, I started working for different universities in Bogotá, Colombia. I taught Organizational Communication, Organizational Psychology, Oral & Written Expression, and Communication Theory. That is how I lived happily in the different corridors and classrooms of the university trying to make a positive impact on the leaders of tomorrow, while being immensely happy to do what I am so passionate about: teaching.
Later on, life and the Internet got me to know my husband and we decided to embark on a new adventure together. We moved to Spain, and so we packed our bags in 2011. Practically penniless, we set out bound for the Old Continent. There, I continued my passion and dedicated myself to teaching Spanish in a renowned language school near the famous Gran Via avenue in Madrid. I was the only teacher of Latin American origin in the midst of all my Spanish colleagues. It was a joy to learn the differences in idiomatic expressions and language variations between the Spanish from South America and the Spanish from what we Latin Americans call the Mother Country.
Years later, and to a certain extent conditioned by the economic crisis that afflicted Spain, we decided to embrace a new career opportunity and moved again, this time set for Oman. In this Arabian country, we first arrived in a small town in the midst of the desert. It was like a scene from a film, so different, exotic, mysterious, and also without much to do. Nonetheless, there, in the midst of the desert I decided to take the chance and managed to open a Spanish course at a university in Ibri. It was a long cumbersome effort to make that happen, and I failed in various instances before finally succeeding. However, once again I fulfilled my dream of teaching, this time taking my language to a place so remote, exotic, and beyond anywhere Spanish had ever been taught. It was in fact, the first ever Spanish course to have been taught in Ibri.
After a while there, we moved again, this time to the beautiful capital of Oman, Muscat. Wedged between the mountains and the sea, I must confess, that no sunset anywhere else I have been can compare to the one in Oman. Nor can the kindness or hospitality of its people compare to anywhere else. Omanis are always willing to help, so there I began to work for Berlitz as the only Spanish teacher. Truthfully, in the course of this odyssey I have met such wonderful people. They have motivated me to carry on doing what I am doing to this day: teaching.
Today I can say with no doubt in my mind that even if I were a millionaire I would continue in this line of work. It has not only permitted me to know such great people but also to learn about so many different cultures. As I always say: I carry my Spanish in my suitcase and make the world my garden, at my husband’s side.
And that is exactly what I am doing now, packing my suitcases. This time I am bound to go back to one of my two countries, Spain. Let the adventure continue!”

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